Ouch! I hope she didn't find that traumatizing to where she avoids the trap after that. Be sure you bungee cord meat to the back of the trap so she has to work to get it -- but not so she can eat it from outside at the other end.
All other sightings besides the ones listed here needed to be undisclosed because it was important to the recovery that the area she was in remain as undisturbed as possible.
Wed 2/24 7am: Caught on film! Then at 4:30pm, a possible sighting behind the McDonald's on Wisconsin at Van Ness, walking down Van Ness towards Nebraska. Oh good, she was seen in a safer location later on, at both 9pm and 11pm
Tue 2/23, 7am: Still looking good & healthy, after almost a week
Mon 2/22, 6:30: Seen on private property, looking well Sat 2/20, pm: 3 sightings!
Fri 2/19 10:10pm: Running south of 44th, and across Van Ness. She was nearly hit by a car, and ran into a gap in the fence to the backyard.
Thu 2/18 1:30am: Running down Van Ness towards Mass - slipped under a fence into the backyard of 4400 Van Ness.
Tue 2/16 8pm: Heading towards Chevy Chase Pavilion from Rodmans
Ouch! I hope she didn't find that traumatizing to where she avoids the trap after that. Be sure you bungee cord meat to the back of the trap so she has to work to get it -- but not so she can eat it from outside at the other end.
Me too. Though she remained nearby. Trap is AOK now.
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