Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gigi meets other Sheltie Pals at NVSR Picnic

On September 25th, Gigi and Lucy attended the Northern Virginia Sheltie Rescue annual picnic. Boy, did they both have fun. There was lots to do and see. They met the Shelties up for adoption; they played games, they went to the Silent Auction, and they even reunited with Sam and Salsa from Pure Gold Pettrackers. They listened very intently to Sam's presentation on how to keep your Sheltie safe. They were the two who tracked Gigi to the Swedish Embassy during Snowpocalype. Gigi also got to see her dear friend, Nancy T. who was her foster mom. An NVSR member took a cool video of the NVSR parade. Gigi had a great time joining in the shibboleth of Shelties. Lucy barked the whole time on the sidelines, because she wanted to be in the parade too. To see the video, click here:

We have asked Martha Heisel, the NVSR Director, if she can think of some more fun events like the picnic for the holidays. Gigi had such a swell time; she wants to see her friends again. Lucy had a lot of fun too. They slept all the way home in the car, because they were so worn out.

Gigi gets invitation from Japanese Embassy

One of the really fun things Jim and I did this summer was go to the Japanese Embassy summer barbecue, thanks to Gigi. Jim and I both love Japanese culture, and we lived there. Well, when Gigi was holed up at the Swedish Embassy during Snowpocalypse, she used to travel into the Japanese embassy grounds just to take in a different venue. Because of that, we met Madame Ambassador, and she asked us to attend the picnic. The picnic occurs annually, and the grounds of the embassy are opened to government and AU Park residents by invitation. Well, it was truly a smash. The food was fabulous, and we met alot of nice people. We love Japanese food, and there was sushi, tempura prawns, kobe beef, grilled vegetables, yakitori, and other foods for the folks who didn't wish to try the Japanese food. We met the Ambassador and his wife in the receiving line, and they were most gracious and remembered us because of Gigi. Gigi hopes she can land another invitation for next year, because her folks had such a good time!

Gigi has a double

We we were at the Northern Virgina Sheltie Rescue (NVSR) Picnic a couple of weeks ago and Martha Heisel, the Director of NVSR, told us that she had once had a rescue named Skye that looked exactly like Gigi. Well, she sent us his picture, which is posted here. What do you think? I think he could be a deadringer.

We're reprising Gigi's blog!

Tons of Gigi's friends have asked us to bring back Gigi's blog, so we have decided to. Folks want to know how Gigi is doing and what she has been up to. So in response to those individuals, this is the first installment. Lots of things have happened to Gigi, since the rescue, and so as Gigi begins to grow up, we will be filling you in on all of the fun and exciting stages of her development.

A recent cool thing happened. PetsDirect in the UK gave gigishope a "best of blog" award for 2010. Criteria cited for the award were:

A Unique Blog From A Whole New And Interesting Perspective.
A Useful And Unique Blogger Resource
Great Literature And/Or Informational Quality
Helping The Preservation And General Well Being Of A Specific Breed Type.
Showing A True Love For A Specific Breed Or Pet Type

Gigi was very excited when she heard that folks in the UK liked her blog. She is still trying to recover from the excitement, and wants to thank PetsDirect for the award.

First, we will give you a glimpse of what Gigi now looks like. The photo is of her and her sister, Lucy. We will also mention funny things about Lucy from time to time, because she is a very important part of Gigi's life--being her lifelong pal and companion.