Sunday, October 10, 2010

What's Gigi really like?

People always ask, What's Gigi like? Well, I'll tell you. Gigi is very shy and reserved. She is demure and fawnlike, but she has the loudest, deepest bark. She sounds like a male dog. She remembers her life on the streets, and those were not pleasant memories. When we walk her, she crouches and becomes very alert and furtive. She hates loud noises--especially cars.

One really funny thing--Gigi loves her comfort and food. She has a special place on our bed on top of alot of comforters. She also loves to eat. Heaven forbid, we don't feed her by 6 pm on the dot. Then that bark starts. She also likes to go out and play with her buddy, Lucy. She loves her big yellow ball that Nancy T. gave her, and Lucy is teaching her to dig. Lucy loves dirt and likes to dig out all of her dad's plants in the garden. Sometimes the holes are so big I think she may just get to China yet. Lucy is the exuberant one, who adores people, and Gigi is more guarded and laid back. I am glad they are opposites.

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