Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gigi photographed 7AM February 24

It is a blurry photo, but that's our girl. She's reported moving fine. You are probably wondering why we can't get her? Remember, she's smart and fast, and in survival mode. She avoids all humans. The great news is she's staying put in a relatively small area that is free of cars. We are advised by all the experts to be patient. It's driving us to distraction, but we are taking their advice. They have been through this many times. Jim tried sitting on the ground near here 15 minutes after this photo was taken. with my back to where she was this morning, I spoke happily to Gigi and sang badly (I can't carry a tune to save my life). It didn't work (I don't think the off-key warbling was the reason why), but I took some comfort in the fact that Gigi was there and heard every word. I left her some nice fried chicken--her favorite! She needs some nourishment with the snow storm predicted for tonight (luckily, not a deep one--fingers crossed).


Julie said...

Amazing photo! You've got her in your sights. Good luck. Hopefully she'll find some shelter out there. Try some roast beef. I recall that helped with Baxter.

Anonymous said...

This is truly encouraging. Is this the same area where the trap is located? If so, do you have food leading up to and into the trap?

Gigishope said...

Jim thanks both commenters. Tasty food is in play. And yes, a train of food leads to the trap.